
Marble blast ultra walkthrough
Marble blast ultra walkthrough

The only thing that's in the way is some blocks that you could hit and off-course the edges. This level puts you on top of a big part that requires you to simply roll down to the bottom area where you should see the finish line straight in front of you. You will have to be careful though as this bridge part is much smaller and you could easily fall off-course. On the side your on you can play a trick by using these glass walls as a bridge to cross over to the other side rather than taking the moving platform. Tip: Near the platform area after the checkpoint will be some glass walls. The one main part is the platform that you need to ride on to cross the other side where the exit is. You are introduced to bridge platforms, checkpoints and areas that could make you fall off the edge. It will indicate which directions the exit is and what direction you would need to flip the stage to get it back to normal. As you explore in the direction you are rolling on, keep an eye on the finish lines light that will shine across the level. Tip: Most of the time in order for you to exit a level, you will need to flip the stage back in the direction you originally placed it in at the start of the level. You need to use them to grab all of the Gems that are in this level.

marble blast ultra walkthrough

You are introduced to Gravity Modifiers that will flip the stage in different directions that will allow you to access other areas of the level. If you jump on the terrain as well, it may push the ball back rather than help you advance. In this case you are first introduced to ice which can make the ball slip and then you are introduced to terrain which can slow the ball down if you roll on it for a period of time. This level introduces surfaces that are different compared to the standard ground you roll the ball on. Don't rush to the exit until the chime sound is heard or you will be wasting your time. Tip: Once you have grabbed all of the gems, you will hear a chime sound. There are Time Travel items that freeze the clock for a duration which alone makes the level easier to complete. This level introduces Gem collection in which you are required to grab all of the Red Gems in the level before you can open the exit. Doing this could possibly make you complete the level in less than 5 seconds. Tip: It is possible to finish this level in a very fast time limit by grabbing the Super Jump at the start of the level, jump and then when using the power-up aim for the top where the exit it and you may possibly land up top to where the exit is.

#Marble blast ultra walkthrough how to#

This is another easy level in which the game teaches you about some of the power-ups that are in the game and how to use an elevator. Doing so will unlock this achievement that requires you to beat the Par Time for any level. As this is the first level in the game, unless you actually decide to sit still for a lengthy period of time, there is a high chance that you will beat the Par Time for this level.

Marble blast ultra walkthrough